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Since retiring I have been reflecting on all the changes that have been made in my lifetime. Below are some of the changes and how they impacted me.
- Transistor Radios (1954): I remember lying in bed at night listening to ball games with the one headphone in my ear.
- Color TVs (1954): We got one in the 60s and watched shows like Batman, Star Trek, Combat and Lost in Space in color.
- Stereo Records (1958): The sound was amazing after listening to mono records.
- Push-Button Telephones (1960s): Much easier to dial than rotary phones.
- Cassette Tapes (1963): We could record specific tracks and make our own albums (everyone I knew recorded John Lennon's songs on Double Fantasy and skipped the Yoko songs) - It was a game changer when we could play our own cassette tapes in cars instead of 8 Tracks.
- Microwaves (1967): My brother and I learned the hard way to read directions - a hamburger we cooked for 5 minutes came out the size of a quarter!
- Answering Machines (1970): No more missed calls; you could leave messages.
- VCRs (1976): We could record and watch whatever we wanted and whenever we wanted - no more waiting a year to watch movies like the Wizard of Oz or rushing home on Saturday nights to watch Saturday Night Live.
- The Walkman (1979): Listening to your own music on cassette was a welcomed improvement especially when walking or running.
- Personal Computers (1981): Research for college papers became much easier as you didn't need to go to Boston Public Library or fill massive numbers of notebooks with information.
- Laptops (1981): Portable computing was so much better than sitting at a desktop.
- Floppy Disks (1971): Though created in 1971 I carried bags of them in the 1980s. One day I had a bag of floppies as I was getting ready to go to work. I picked up the bag and it seemed much heavier than usual. I looked in the bag and found that my wife used it when she cleaned the kitty litter. I wasn't upset when I didn't need to carry floppies around anymore.
- Dial-Up Internet (1980s): The nostalgic sound and slow connection made being online feel special.
- CDs (1982): Superior sound quality compared to records. (My brother and his friend were drunk one night listening to a record of a live band. They thought the drummer was great because he was doing a drum solo for 30 minutes. They finally realized that the record was actually skipping. You didn't get this with CDs). I had a stereo system that would play random tracks across 6 CDs which I thought was great.
- Camcorders (1983): Great for making home movies; my kids loved filming.
- Cell Phones (1983): I fought for years about getting one but now many years later I love being reachable while out and about.
- Blockbuster (1985): It was always a challenge to find popular movies or games for my kids as they only had so many copies. Streaming was so much better when it came about.
- Digital Cameras (1990s): No more film developing - a huge convenience.
- DVDs (1995): Watching movies in better quality than VCR tapes was a big improvement.
- GPS (1995): While the GPS project began in 1973, the technology didn't become available for civilian use until the late 1990's with key milestones including the first prototype launch in 1978, civilian use authorization in 1983 and Full Operational Capability in 1995 - A game changer for going on any trips. Don't miss paper maps.
- DVD Players (1996): Made watching DVDs accessible.
- Wireless Internet (Wi-Fi)(1997): A major advancement in connectivity.
- Netflix: An outstanding library of viewing options.
- Google (1998): "I'll Google it" became the standard way to search.
- Bluetooth Technology (1998): Revolutionized device connectivity.
- Social Media (Early 2000s): Changed how we connect with others.
- Streaming (2000s): Gained traction and transformed media consumption.
- Facebook (2004): A great way to stay connected with distant friends.
- Twitter now x (2006): I plan to engage more with this platform going forward.
- Smartphones (2007): Everything at your fingertips; kids today don't know the boredom of a Doctor appointment, a Dental appointment, an Eye appointment, spending time at the DMV etc. without have a cell phone to pull up information on the internet.
- Smart TVs (2009): I spend more time on my Smart TV than I ever did on any regular TV.
- Cryptocurrencies (2009): Emerged as a new financial paradigm.
- Wearable Technology (2020s): Changed how we monitor health and fitness.
- Voice Assistants (2010s): Made everyday tasks more convenient.
- Home Automation (2010s): Enhanced home convenience and security.
- 3D Printing (1980s, popularized in 2010s): Revolutionized manufacturing.
- YouTube (2005): A daily source of knowledge and entertainment.
- E-readers (2007): I enjoy them but still love physical books.
- Instagram (2010): Just started using it and I am looking forward to engaging more.
- Virtual Reality (VR) (2010s): Opened new realms of experience. At some point in the near future I am sure there will be VR movies.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) (2010 - 2020s): A significant advancement; it's evolving so rapidly.
- Blockchain Technology (2010s): Promises to transform various industries.
- Drones (2010s): Changed how we capture images and conduct surveys.
- Augmented Reality (AR) (2010): Blended digital and real-world experiences.
- TikTok (2017): I enjoy the short video format, especially funny pet vides, funny kid videos and videos that involve scaring people.
- 5G Technology (2020s): Enhanced mobile connectivity.
- Quantum Computing (Emerging 2020s): A game - changing technology on the horizon.
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