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Thoughts from the Website Creator

Thank you for visiting my website

1. I hope you find my free 50 lbs. weight loss story at ( https://healthyretirementstrategies.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html ) as well as what I am doing to thrive in retirement helpful, motivating, interesting and maybe even funny.

2. If you send me your weight loss story I will include it in the "Weight Loss Success Stories" section but I will only use your first name.

3. If you have any questions regarding what I did to lose the weight and\or what I continue to do to maintain the weight loss or anything at all in the "Contact Form" section below please enter your name, email address and a message then click the "Send" button.

4. I will respond to your message and I will be sure also to include you on any emails that I send regarding the update of the website. 😁😁😁

5. You can also reach out to me (Rick Doucette) by emailing me directly at dourick@hotmail.com as I would love to hear from you.

6. Being out of shape and feeling miserable is not the end as you can turn it around just like I did!! 👍👍👍

7. Before you go if you click the links under the "Specific Affiliate Pages" section you can get a view of some of the products that helped me in my transformation - I continue to use these products in maintaining my weight and I encourage you to try them. 😎

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