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How to quickly lose weight - Update !!


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4 - Week Sensible Weight Loss Plan

Week 1:

Start your journey by embracing simplicity and focus. Begin with a breakfast of low-sugar cereal topped with fresh fruit like blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries. Skip the carbs: no toast, bagels, or pastries. Wash it down with just half a glass of orange juice or water.

For lunch, stick to a salad paired with a piece of fruit. I recommend using a vinaigrette salad dressing instead of the creamy high calorie salad dressing. Keep your hydration levels up by drinking plenty of water, green tea, or regular tea - but skip the sugar. If you get tired of salad you could have tuna 1 day without mayo but with tomatoes, celery and onions but no bread. You could also 1 day have a small serving of Quinoa instead of salad.

Feeling hungry and craving sweets? Have a small bowl of watermelon or honeydew. You could also crunch on plain celery - it's mostly water and keeps you occupied. 

Start an exercise routine by walking 1 to 2 times around your block after breakfast or lunch, six days a week ( take Sunday off ).

Eat a moderate supper - Don't eat like crazy thinking you didn't have a lot of calories earlier in the day. Stop eating after 8 PM but you can drink some Peppermint tea as that will help you sleep.  I take 2 magnesium tablets at least an hour before I got to bed which is also a sleep aid and helps prevent leg cramps. 

Consult your doctor before starting this program or you start taking magnesium.

Weeks 2 - 4

Stay consistent with the same weekday diet. On Sundays, treat yourself to a satisfying breakfast such as eggs and 1 piece of keto toast with real butter. My go-to? A cheese omelet loaded with tomatoes, pico de gallo and salsa, along Ezekil's toast topped with avocado and butter. 

Up your walking game weekly:
  • Week 2: Walk 3 - 4 laps.
  • Week 2: Walk 5 - 6 laps.
  • Week 2: Walk 7 - 8 laps.
Make it a goal to increase your pace each week. By Week 4, you'll be walking faster and feeling stronger.

After 4 Weeks

If you stick to this program expect to lost about 2 pounds per week, totaling at least 8 pounds by the end of the month. If results stall, try intermittent fasting 2 - 3 days a week. For example eat breakfast, skip lunch, and enjoy a moderate supper. Snack on celery is hunger strikes, and pick up your walking speed for an extra boost.

Bonus Tips for Success

  • Sleep Well: Restful sleep aids weight loss and memory.
  • Manage Stress: Walking helps reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
Stick to this plan and watch the transformation unfold. You've got this!

I followed this program when I weighed 268 pounds and I lost a little over 10 pounds during the month. I then upped the program by adding Rucking ( walking with a weighted vest ) and Weight Lifting and eventually I lost 50 pounds which I have managed to keep off for 2 years. 

I wish you luck with this program - Let me know your success - If you send me a Weight Loss Story I will add it to the "Weight Loss Success Stories" section in the top right of the website. You can do it!!

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