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Staying healthy with Cloves at any age



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Benefits of Cloves, Their Uses, and Potential Side Effects

Cloves are small, dried flower buds with a pungent, spicy flavor. Despite their strong taste, cloves offer numerous health benefits, making them a valuable addition to your diet. Derived from the clove tree ( Syzygium aromaticum) these buds are rich in vitamins C and K, manganese and fiber. They are known for their ability to boost immunity, support brain health and help manage inflammation and diabetes.

Benefits of Cloves

1. Fights Inflammation

Eugenol, a compound in cloves, has anti-inflammatory properties that may help manage arthritis, reduce mouth and throat inflammation and combat plaque-related gingivitis. 

2May Reduce Cancer Risk

Clove extract has shown promise in preventing tumor growth and killing cancer cells, particularly in breast and esophageal cancers, due to it's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

3. Improves Oral Health

Cloves can alleviate toothaches, fight bad breath and promote dental health. Chewing whole cloves or applying clove oil can provide pain relief - Traditional medicine widely uses clove oil as a natural painkiller for dental issues 

Twice a day I chew 3 Cloves for 2 minutes, floss, rinse my teeth\mouth using a waterpik then brush my teeth. I started doing this a short while ago and at my last dental appointment there was no issue with plaque build up while the previous dental appointment prior to chewing Cloves there was a large build of plaque that needed to be removed.

4Supports Diabetes Management 

Cloves may help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin secretion. The compound nigericin enhances the health of insulin-producing cells.

5Promotes Liver Health 

Eugenol in cloves protects the liver by reducing oxidative stress and preventing liver damage

6Enhances Bone Health

Cloves, rich in manganese and polyphenols, may improve bone density and metabolism, as observed in animal studies.

7Aid Digestion

Cloves can protect the stomach lining by boosting gastric mucus production, potentially preventing ulcers. Their fiber content may also aid digestion and prevent constipation.

Once a day about 1 hour before I go to bed I eat 2 Cloves. Prior to doing this at night I would have gas a lot while I was sleeping, I would on occasion be constipated and sometimes I had digestion issues. Since eating 2 Cloves before bed my stomach is fine and I have no constipation issues.

8May Assist with Weight Loss

Cloves contain compounds that inhibit fat synthesis, reducing body weight and abdominal fat in animal studies. More human studies are needed.

I am very interested in this research as although I lost 52 pounds and I have kept it off for 2 years I still have a little bit of fat at the bottom of my belly that has been stubborn to get rid of - Hopefully over time consuming 2 Cloves each night will help address this issue

9. Boosts Respiratory Health

Clove oil helps relieve asthma symptoms, clears nasal passages and combats bacterial infections in the lungs.

Each time I chew 3 Cloves during the day to help eliminate plaque my sinuses clear and my nose starts to run as there is a bit of a mild burning from the Cloves but it goes away quickly and in addition to removing plaque I can also breath much better.

10. Relieves Stress

Clove extracts are believed to have anti-stress properties, possible due to their anti-oxidants. 

11. Eases Headaches

Eugenol in cloves has analgesic properties. Inhaling crushed cloves or applying clove oil diluted with coconut oil on your forehead may help relieve headaches.

How to Use Cloves

  • Add ground cloves to cakes, cookies and spice mixes
  • Use whole cloves in tea, curries, stews and pickles for added flavor
  • Combine cloves with nutmeg and cinnamon for a warm aromatic touch
  • Cloves are also a natural Insecticide as clove oil will repel mosquitoes or fleas by adding drops to your pet's collar or bathwater

Clove Tea Recipe

  • Boil water and 5 or 6 cloves then add cinnamon sticks if desired
  • Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes
  • Strain into a cup, sweeten if desired and add citrus if preferred

Nutritional Profile of Cloves

  • Calories: 17.8 ( per tablespoon )
  • Fiber: 2.3g
  • Protein: 0.388g 
  • Carbohydrates: 4.26g
  • Rich in vitamins C, K, Manganese and Calcium

Potential Side Effects of Cloves

Overconsumption may lead to:

  • Bleeding risk
  • Low blood sugar
  • Allergic reactions
  • Liver toxicity ( in rare cases, such as excessive clove oil use ) 

Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals on medications should consult a doctor before using cloves.

Incorporating cloves into your diet offers numerous benefits, but moderation is key. Enjoy their flavor and health benefits through cooking or herbal remedies!

If you would like to purchase Cloves click the following link - Affiliate Marketing Amazon 2

In the page that is displayed click the "Organic Whole Cloves" link and you will be taken to an Amazon page where you can purchase this product as well as any other products you desire.

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