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Aging Gracefully

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Aging Naturally and Gracefully: Stay Active, Stay Healthy, Stay Here

Aging gracefully isn't about fighting time - it's about making the most of it. Through healthy eating, weighting-lifting, rucking and an active lifestyle, I'm doing my best to stay strong, mobile, and pain-free for as long as possible.

Why It Matters

Over the years, I've seen too many people my age - or younger - pass away to soon. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, poor diet, lack of exercise ... it all catches up. It's heartbreaking, and it doesn't have to be this way.

I look to my Uncle Joe and Aunt Karen as inspirations. They skied and golfed into their 70's and they never stopped moving. My uncle was sharp as ever at 80 and always a funny guy. At his 80th birthday party I said "Happy 80th Birthday Uncle Joe" and he said "No one is happy to be 80" and laughed. My aunt organized and kept everything running smoothly for every event until the very end. They embraced life, stayed active, and absolutely cherished their family. That's exactly how I want to live the rest of my life.

My Message to You

Though you have probably heard it many times before I would encourage you ( due to the people I have known that are gone to soon ) if you smoke, try to quit. If you drink too much, cut back. If you aren't moving, start - walk, ruck, lift anything. Small steps lead to big changes. I really want to see fewer friends leaving too soon and more of us thriving for years to come. I want to see more weddings and graduations and less funerals. 

And one more thing - stay safe. Falls are no joke at our age. If at all possible try to avoid unnecessary ladder climbs and risky snow shoveling even if that means hiring someone to do these tasks and make your home a safe place to grow old.  

We don't get do-overs. Take care of yourself, because life is worth sticking around for.

Below is a collection of pictures of my aunt Karen and my uncle Joe sent to me by my wonderful cousins ( their daughters ) Mary and Andrea. Like my cousins and many others I miss the great times we had with Karen and Joe. 

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