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A Daily Slice of Healthy Retirement Life

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Thursday 12052024


( 4:45 - 5 ) - I woke up as my dog Captain was in my bed and whining so I knew he needed to go out. I carried him downstairs ( He is 14 and has trouble going up and down the stairs ) then let him out. In addition to Weight Lifting and Rucking carrying him up and down the stairs multiple times a day is a great workout. After he was done doing his business I let him in, dried him off as it was raining then went back to sleep.

This is not a typical day as Monday through Wednesday I do Rucking and Friday through Sunday I Weight Lift but aside from the Exercise portion all the other things listed I tend to do everyday.

( 9:30 - 10 ) - I woke at 9:30 which is very late for me but the only reason I woke is that I heard the trash truck coming down the street. I ran outside and took out the trash, recycles and leaves. I didn't need to worry though as the trash truck just went to the dead end of my street. I guess for some reason another truck comes later in the day to complete picking up the rest of the street. 

Not Late for Trash Recycles and Leaves

After taking out the trash, recycles and leaves I fed Captain and my 2 Cats ( Cocoa and Jade ) then I brought Captain back upstairs


Each morning I take water from my Brita filter ( Boiled prior to being filtered through the Brita system ) let it reach room temperature then I gargle with it after which I brush my teeth. This eliminates bacteria that formed during sleep. I then take water from my Brita system, boil it then after it is cooled I add the following to the water   
  • A tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • A tablespoon of Honey
  • A pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt
  • A squeeze of a Lemon
This drink aids digestion, boosts heart health and supports immunity.

I verified there was no laundry to be done as I usually have a load or 2 every day. 

I emptied the kitty litter, swept up the kitchen floor then took the trash in the kitchen barrel and the recycles in the kitchen to the barrels outside before the trucks came for pickup. 

I ran the dishwasher then went upstairs, fixed up the bedroom and filled my wife's water bottle. She worked a double last night ( She is a Call Taker for the city handling Fires and Medical Emergencies ) so I have the bedroom all set up for her as she will go to bed as soon as she gets in as she has another double shift tonight into tomorrow. I don't think she likes it but I refer to these double shifts as "My Vacation".

Next I took my Nitric Oxide and Taurine pills with beet juice which boosts blood flow, lowers blood pressure and enhances performance.
Nitric Oxide and Taurine
I then washed the kitchen floor.

( 10 - 10:15 )
I made phone calls catching up with my wife, brother and son 

( 10:15 - 10:30 )
Each day I set aside time for prayers. I usually listen to 1 prayer on YouTube then I listen to the following prayers played on the Natural Reader application. 
  • One Love
  • Psalm 23
  • Psalm 27
Each day after my prayers I view pictures of my beautiful dog Minah who crossed the rainbow bridge in October. She was a wonderful 13 year old beagle. I worked from home the last 6 years of my career and each day she sat next to me on my recliner while I worked. At night she would sleep between myself and my wife but she always wanted to be near me so I woke up most mornings with her against my chest. The funny thing is that although I spent day and night with her whenever my wife came into the house Minah would bark like crazy. On days when my wife had off and was eating breakfast in the kitchen Minah would bark until my wife picked her up and scratched her belly. I believe that and the long walks my wife took her on were Minah's favorite things. It was very difficult the first few nights without her sleeping next to me on the bed. Captain is 14 and aside from hearing issues and some soreness in his legs everything else seems ok. Pets are part of our lives but we are all of their lives.
We Miss You Beautiful Minah 💔

( 10:30 - 11 )
Each morning after taking my Olive Oil, Honey, Pink Himalayan Salt and Lemon drink I eat a handful of Pumpkin seeds, Cashews and Walnuts. For years I had low HDL ( good cholesterol ) until I started eating these seeds and nuts and I raised my HDL for the first time.  

For breakfast I usually have a wheat or rice cereal that doesn't contain Bio-Engineered products then I add blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. I don't consume fruits or vegetables in cans, in packages or frozen. 

Today I was out of berries so I poured a bowl of Kaschi wheat cereal then added a banana, cinnamon, chia seeds, fennel seeds and Almond milk. I also poured a small glass of orange juice. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory, Chia Seeds are good for heart health, digestive health, bone health, contain anti-oxidants and can help with weight loss and Fennel Seeds are good for heart health, digestive health, pain and inflammation, has anti-Inflammatory, anti-fungal and antiviral effects and may help prevent cancer

Before I headed upstairs to eat my breakfast and check on news of the day I cut up fresh ginger which I will use later for Ginger/Green tea.
Fresh Cut Ginger

( 11 - 12 )

While I ate my breakfast I watched YouTube videos covering Current Events, Affiliate Marketing and Driving Traffic Sources then I looked at the Pinterest website where I have created 30 pins to promote my website. I also checked emails and at the same time put on my Abs Stimulator for a 20 minute session. I will do another session later today.

After I heated my kettle upstairs I brought it downstairs, poured it over the fresh cut ginger, let it steep for 15 minutes, filtered it into a cup then added a Green Tea bag. 

During this time I consumed 2 cups of Ginger/Green tea.

The benefits of Ginger are as follows

  • Pain Relieve 
  • Improved Digestion
  • Improved Blood Sugar
  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Improved Cholesterol
  • Improved Immune System
  • Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
  • Improved Liver Function

The benefits of Green Tea are as follows 

  • Heart Health 
  • Anti-Aging 
  • Brain Health
  • May Reduce Cancer Risk
  • Help Manage Weight
  • Help Manage Blood Sugar
  • Help Digestion
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • May help with Stress Resistance 
( 12 - 2 )
Looked at the status of my website, the status of my Affiliate Marketing efforts then I worked on this website post and cleaning up some existing posts

( 2 - 2:30 )
Had a lunch consisting of the following 
  • Siggis Yogurt with Cinnamon, Raisans, Chia Seeds and Fennel Seeds - Siggis Yogurt contains active cultures, real fruit, 11g of Sugar, 15g of Protein, no added artificial or natural flavorings, no added colors, no artificial sweeteners, no gums, no preservatives and no steevia.  
  • Pacific Organic Chicken and Wild Rice Soup 
  • Fresh cut up Pears with Cinnamon and Honey
( 2:30 - 4 )
I am in a program designed to increase the traffic to my website so I spent this time watching videos for this program as well as adding to this post. 

( 4 - 5:30 )
Fed Captain, fed the cats then went to the local grocery store to pick up food for the week ( Market Basket )

( 5:30 - 7 )
Made supper which consisted of Turkey Kelbasa and Baked Beans. While I ate I reviewed emails that came in during the day, unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded the dishwasher, cleaned up all of the pans from both lunch and supper then swept the kitchen floor and got Captain out again. 

I also took the Ginger, added Tyme to it then boiled it. Once it was boiled I filtered it into a cup, added 1/4 a teaspoon of Turmeric, 1/4 a teaspoon of black pepper ( This is needed to absorb the Turmeric ), 1/2 a teaspoon of Honey and 1/2 a teaspoon of Cinnamon.

The benefits of Turmeric are as follows 
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Improve Brain Function
  • Promote Heart Health
  • Alleviate Pain
  • Boost the Immune System
  • Prevent Cancer
  • Promote Digestive Health
  • Lower Blood Sugar
  • Enhance Detoxification
( 7 - 10 ) 
I worked on completing this post so that I could get it posted before the end of the day. Either tonight or tomorrow I will update it with some Affiliate links.

( 10 - 11 )
To help me sleep at night I consume the following
  • 2 Kiwis, 1 Banana and Cinnamon
  • 2 Magnesium tablets
  • A Handful of Walnuts
  • 1 Cup of Peppermint Tea
While consuming this I reviewed this post to verify it could be published to the website 

I may stay up for an hour more as I work to unwind from the day.

Tomorrow ( Friday ) is a workout day ( Heavy Chest, Heavy Biceps and Heavy Triceps along with some Ab work ) 

This is not a typical day as Monday through Wednesday I do Rucking and Friday through Sunday I Weight Lift but aside from the Exercise portion all the other things listed I tend to do everyday.

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You can view the specific groups of Pages, Posts, Quizzes and Lists by selecting menu entries from the drop down lists on the Home Page

You can view my free "50 Pound Weight Loss" Story by clicking the following link - My Story - I hope this information is helpful, motivating, interesting and funny.

Please leave comments at the bottom of this Post and also please leave comments at the bottom of any other Posts that you view. You can also email me ( Rick Doucette ) at dourick@hotmail.com 

On the Home page click the "Affiliate Products" drop down list to view all the Affiliate companies that I deal with then click on any of the menu selections to view specific offers. Scroll down on the Home page to see the Google Ads displayed then click on any of them to view the specific offer.

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