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Fun in Retirement

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After installing a new faucet in the kitchen yesterday ( 11/23/2024 ) then retightening the hose on the dishwasher so that water would not continue to leak out I went to a Meat Bingo with my brother, sister in-law and some very good friends. Meat Bingo is bingo with Meat as the prize ( Beef, Chicken, Pork, Turkey, Lobster etc. ). My brother won 3 games but unfortunately for me I didn't win any games. I told my brother that although I lost 20 dollars of my fixed income I had a very good time. As part of my healthy eating I don't consume much sugar, salt or carbs so yesterday was a cheat day. The pictures below display some of the things that were consumed yesterday. I had some popcorn which contained salt and some candy however I didn't consume alcohol nor hot dogs. It is not bad to have a cheat day once in a while. Just remember the cheat days should never out number the healthy days.  

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