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My Retirement Tips

My Retirement Tips

  1. These are things that I have learned over the years that have helped me to accomplish a lot and avoid a lot of stress - I hope some of them can help you 
  2. Plan your day by prioritizing tasks when you have the most energy—typically at the start of the day.
  3. Take time each morning to reflect on life, whether through prayer, meditation, or quiet time.
  4. You don’t need to complete everything on your list daily; retirement has fewer deadlines than work. Remember tomorrow is today's do over
  5. Before running errands or shopping, always ask your partner if they need anything.
  6. Stay active—it’ll make you feel better and help you enjoy your downtime even more.
  7. After getting things done, treat yourself to a relaxing nap.
  8. Shopping and errands aren’t social events—get what you need and save your time for what you enjoy.
  9. Park facing out so you can easily leave when you’re done.
  10. You don't need to choose the closet parking spot you see; walking farther is a great way to get exercise.
  11. Avoid if possible driving during rush hours (8-9:30 AM, 4-6 PM) and school dismissal times (2-3 PM).
  12. Always hold railings when going up or down stairs - Suffering a fall at retirement age can be life changing so don't take needless chances
  13. Whenever entering a building the first thing I do is identify where the bathrooms are 
  14. If you need to use the bathroom do it as there is no reason you should hold it especially as you get older and your control is not as good as it once was
  15. Sit at the end of rows in theaters or restaurants for easy bathroom access.
  16. When out and about, offer help to elderly or disabled people—but always ask first to avoid offending anyone.
  17. Thank those who help you. Small gestures of gratitude can make a big difference. Every time I shop for groceries I thank the person ringing up the groceries, I thank the person bagging the groceries and I make sure to always return the cart to the cart corral 
  18. Stay connected with friends, even if they’re not retired, by sending a quick text.
  19. Stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-up time for better rest.
  20. It is ok to go to a movie or out to eat by yourself - Don't let your kids tell you it is strange 
  21. Everywhere you go ask about senior discounts - The amount may not be a lot each time but the savings can add up
  22. If you have pets especially older pets make time each day for them - They are part of our lives but we are all of their lives 
  23. Strive to laugh some time during each day 
  24. Now is the time to learn something that you never had time for previously
  25. Look for online groups that you can join 
  26. Check in on your kids and offer advice if prompted - You have lived a large chunk of your life so now it is your turn to listen to their concerns about their lives
  27. Listening to music is a great way to improve your mood. I create my own Spotify playlists and listen to them every time I Ruck 
  28. Listen to Podcasts - I listen to True Crime podcasts but there are many different categories of Podcasts available 
  29. Giving your siblings a hard time is a great stress reliever and a lot of fun
  30. If you are interested in my journey before my Retirement and now in Retirement please click the following link - My Story
  31. Click on any of the links below to see groups of posts related to retirement, exercise, diet etc.

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